Highlights from our National
PM Magazine TV Show
February 5, 1987
To commemorate this event
sponsored a national Safety for Kids color contest.
Information was sent to every program coordinator to involve their kids.
Over 200,000 entries were received.
The kids had to hand draw a safety picture.

The filming began with the arrival of the crew and equipment being greeted by ORANGE COMMUNITY SAFETY TOWN volunteers.
Earl Craft, Kiwanian
Gayle Zelesnik, ST Coordinator
Jay Capes, Kiwanian
Bob Nemeth, Kiwanian
Marcel Mendezoff, Fire Fighter Pepper Pike FD
Maureen Sweeney, Producer PM Magazine WJW-TV 8 Cleveland
Mike Rinicella, Sgt. Police Officer Orange PD

Then the Kiwanians assembled the town… by setting up the buildings…
just as they did… every morning during the program. Today was special!
Dick Lorius, cameraman was filming them in ‘action”
Jay Capes and Bill Scheibert… carefully prepare to put the roof in place… while…
Earl Craft and George Benes… were the official… truck unloaders… for the day. Great job… men… THANK YOU!

Next, the camera zoomed in on teenage instructor… Miriam Stubbs and her kids. Note, the name on the house, Kiwanis Club of Lander Circle who co-sponsor Safety Town with the Community Education Department. This entire process was repeated three weeks later, due to a camera burnout. All these wonderful people returned for… take 2.

Willard Scott… that popular weatherman of the… TODAY… program (NBC) graciously agreed to… draw… the winning entry live on air on 9/22/86. He and Dorothy Chlad make sure that all the entries are in the… drum. THANK YOU… Willard… and your staff and crew for all of their assistance.

Every… Safety Towner… who sent in an entry anxiously listened and watched as Willard… drew… that grand prize winning picture.
The winner was… Mickey Miller Cleveland, OH West Park Safety Town

While Dorothy Chlad and Mayor George Voinvoich, Cleveland, OH look on, Mickey … draws… 9 additional entries who each won prizes. This event took place in Cleveland 9/22/86. What an exciting day for Mickey!

Mickey, proudly displays his special proclamation from… Mayor George Voinvoich… proclaiming September 22, 1986 as… Mickey Miller Day… in Cleveland. While perhaps too young to understand the importance of this proclamation, Mickey will certainly understand and cherish the significance of this day… when he gets older.