On Sunday, October 27, 1996… DOROTHY CHLAD… received this award at the Educational Resources Division Dinner at the Omi Hilton Hotel in Orlando, Florida.
The beautiful walnut, velvet lined plaque was presented by… Alan McMillan… Vice President, National Safety Council… for her 33 years of many accomplishments in the field of safety… especially her dedication and perseverance in developing and promoting the importance of preschool-early childhood safety education. (She also was presented a beautiful, gold inscribed lapel pin.)
Dorothy has been a member of the Educational Resources Division since 1968 and has served in numerous capacities and involved in several activities. She was nominated for this honor by… Rita Weiss… of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and past award recipient… and… approved by the Educational Resources Division Committee, chaired by… Janice Sutkus… Staff Representative of the National Safety Council. (Thank you… Rita and Janice.)
“I proudly accept this prestigious award on behalf of everyone who has been involved with our program and organization” stated Chlad.

On Monday, October 28, 1996… at the Opening General Session at the Convention Center… Dorothy Chlad… was ushered on stage for a medal ceremony while a large screen displayed pictures of her activities.
Alvin Harrison… 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist in Track and Field… presented her with a Gold Medal! Over 5,000 people were in attendance.
On May 16, 1986 – Dorothy Chlad was awarded an honorary degree DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS from Cedar Crest College Allentown, Pennsylvania
“Your accomplishments in promoting the safety of children have earned you national recognition that is fully merited. Among the many who respect and admire you are the members of Cedar Crest College’s faculty, trustees and alumnae. Your example will inspire in our students the qualities you have made manifest in your career”.
Gene S. Cesari
Cedar Crest College

On April 13, 1983 At a special ceremony at the United Nations in New York City Dorothy Chlad was the recipient of the WORLD TRAFFIC SAFETY AWARD!
She was honored for her thirty years of untiring dedication to the cause of promoting Safety Town and the importance of preschool safety education.
After her presentation – Educating Young People – she proudly accepted the beautiful prestigious engraved crystal award on behalf of everyone who has been involved with the program.
The event was sponsored by the Greater New York Automobile Dealers and The World Health Organization of the United Nations. It was coordinated by – David Reich – of the Reich Communications Corp.

A part of EVERY award belongs to each person who has been involved in any aspect of Safety Town, National Safety Town Center
and the importance of preschool safety.
Our children and parents say “THANK YOU”. Dorothy Chlad
Over 50 awards and certificates from organizations, corporations and agencies have been on display at the NSIC office for
volunteers to enjoy and share in their success.

This was a once in a lifetime honor to be recognized by – PRESIDENT REAGAN – with this OUTSTANDING award!
At a reception held at The Cleveland City Club on April 20th, she was congratulated by over 100 friends. She graciously expressed her deepest gratitude for their support and encouragement during the past twenty years. The event was coordinated by – Kenneth J. Kovach – Director, Community Volunteer Action Center.
Dorothy was very pleasantly surprised when she was presented with a large bouquet sent by – Bill Cosby.

Among those in attendance were: Frank L. Chlad – Charles Zawadzki, Vice President Community Affairs, AmeriTrust – Richard DeChant, Vice President, Program Affairs Greater Cleveland Growth Association – Jacquelin Seely, Executive Secretary NSTC – The Honorable August Pryatel.
Awards displayed on office walls as of 1988

Our entire staff helped to earn and achieve many of these awards through the years.
It would not have been possible without their help, dedication, and hard work.