These – Special Events – and many others not listed – greatly assisted in providing excellent publicity for organizations, corporations and the media to promote the program and get involved within their community – to organize a – SAFETY TOWN IN THEIR TOWN.

At grand opening of The Highway Safety Foundation – Driving Course in New York City – 1974
Sammy Davis Jr. – guest speaker – was unable to attend due to illness. Mrs. Davis filled in for Sammy. Dorothy briefed her during the limo ride to the event from her New York apartment. Beverly Roberts also participated at the event.
During 1974, Dorothy Chlad, actively participated with the “behind the scenes” details of two national telethons in preparation for the – Safety Town telethon – with the HSF. Thank you – Beverly Roberts.

After attending a local workshop, Larry arranged to have Dorothy present Safety Town at the MI Community Education Convention – and – at the National Community Education Convention in Las Vegas. (1977)
Thanks to Larry, Dorothy met George Romney, Michigan Governor and Chairman of National Center for Voluntary Action; Julian Bond, State Senator from Georgia and Paul Tremper, Director U.S. Office of Education, Washington D.C.
Later, Paul Tremper served as President of the National Community Education Association. He worked closely with Dorothy for many years on various Safety Town and educational events.

Captain Ana Ouesada Valverde – Costa Rica – spent 3 days in Cleveland visiting several Safety Town programs and attending meetings. She was referred by Dr. Leroy Dunn – NHTSA – Washington D.C.
Bill Bryant – President, Greater Cleveland Growth Association presented Ana with a Cleveland pewter plate and a copy of the Cleveland magazine. Herbert Hoppe, Jr. – NSTC Board member; Dorothy Chlad and Earl Lowe – Executive Director, Greater Cleveland Safety Council participated. (1978)

With the assistance of – Dr. Leroy Dunn – NHTSA – a meeting was held in the Ways and Means Room of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. Representatives of Ohio’s Congressional Members were informed about the program and organization.
Donald Mauney Jr. NSTC D.C. Coordinator – two Congressional Representatives – Dr. LeRoy Dunn NHTSA – Gail Nichols NSTC MI Coordinator assisted Dorothy with the presentation.

This was the FIRST series of child safety books ever written and published! The series contained 13 titles.
Fran Dyra – Managing Editor – worked closely with Dorothy regarding all details. (1980-1990)
The books were available in libraries, child care centers, nursery and elementary schools, bookstores and the local Safety Town programs.
As a result of the success of the books – Arrco Playing Card Company – contacted Dorothy to prepare a “card game” based on the first four books – strangers – fires – poisons – cars. (1985)
Details on the books and card games are listed under – Materials/Books.

Dr. Alyea – professor emeritus from Princeton is know worldwide for his dramatic and witty demonstrations of chemical reactions.
He received the coveted – Thomas A. Edison Award – for his distinguished contributions.
He is also famous for being the inspiration for a Walt Disney film. Walt Disney – saw Dr. Alyea. perform at the Belgium World’s Fair, flew – Fred Mac Murray – there to observe him and so was born “The Absent-Minded Professor?
The symposium was organized and conducted by Frank Chlad. He and Dorothy had the honor of hosting Dr. Alyea during his visit. (Of course, Safety Town was included during their conversations.)
After a workshop in New Orleans, Dorothy packed a traffic light into her car. A man walked by and asked “why do you carry a traffic light with you”? What an opportunity to explain – Safety Town!
That man was – Irving Rudd – promoter for the rematch fight between – Muhammad Ail – and – Leon Spinks!
He had never heard of Safety Town and was very impressed. Dorothy gave him several pamphlets. He promised to help “spread the word”. (1978)

If you are a driver education graduate, you owe this man – Dr. Amos Neyhart – a thank you. He is the father of driver education.
Indirectly, he just might have prevented you from having an accident because of the information you learned during your classes. (1983)

At the 40th Anniversary Dinner of – Denny Griswold’s – Public Relations News – Dorothy had the honor of meeting and talking with – Edward Bernays – father of PR.
What a delight it was to hear about the past from this extremely knowledgeable man – who celebrated his 92nd birthday.
Over 700 people attended this gala event on May 9, 1984 in the Grand Ballroom of the Pierre Hotel in New York City.
Mrs. Griswold started the first PR publication in 1945. It is the most widely read in the world.

On June 20, 1985, at the 4lst Anniversary Dinner, Dorothy had another delightful honor of meeting and talking with – Lee laccoa – Chrysler’s Chief Executive.
As always – Denny Griswold – graciously introduced Dorothy along with expressing her positive views about Safety Town and NSTC to Mr. laccoa.
Again, over 700 people attended this annual gala event – sponsored by PR NEWS
Denny Griswold was a member of NSTC’s Advisory Board and a strong supporter and promoter. She wrote several articles and two Case Studies on the program and organization (Refer to National Publicity )
Note: In 1987 Dorothy served as consultant to the Muppet Traffic Safety Show which was was sponsored by Chrysler. PR does work! (Refer to Muppet Traffic Safety Show)

It is always an honor to be selected by your peers to represent them.
This occasion was the election of Dorothy to a 3-vear term on the Executive Committee of the – American Academy of Safety Education.
Past president – Dr. Robert Marshall and Dr. Jack Weaver – extend congratulations. This event was held on October 6, 1987 at the – ASSE 25th anniversary.

Glen Mickey – president – Inter American Safety Council greatly assisted NSTC by promoting the Spanish child safety books to various countries.

The 4 World Safety and Accident Prevention Congress was held in CA 1987 – sponsored by – The World Safety Organization.
Over 300 people attended from 20 countries. Dorothy presented a 1-hour presentation which was well received.
Major P. Kalastree, Singapore – M. Jeyaraj, Singapore – Dr. Zdena Zajickova, WSO – Carlos Vargas, Costa Rica – James Tye, England

Kermit – that lovable frog – is telling United States Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar – OH Jim Henson and Dorothy about the importance of wearing safety belts.
This occasion was a national press conference for National Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week. The event was held in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington DC, 1988.

Terri Kraatz – Concoco Oil – TX received a pewter plate and Cleveland book from – Bill Bryant – president of the Greater Cleveland Growth Association.
During her visit, Terri observed various Safety Town programs and attended many meetings. She later arranged for Dorothy to present the program in Katy TX, (1987)

President Ronald Reagan – signed the – National Safe Kids Week – proclamation on May 13, 1988 in the Rose Garden.
Dorothy was privileged and honored to be involved and represent the National Safety Town Center who supported and participated in this event.

Nils Bohlin – was inducted into – The Safety and Health Hall of Fame International – on October 30, 1989 in Chicago IL at the National Safety Congress.
As a research engineer for Volvo in 1959, he invented the one-piece “3-point” lap/shoulder belt that attaches in the car at three places.
He then went on to help pave the way for its use throughout the world using his “egg-cart”.
His interest in “occupant restraint” began doing jet-fighter and ejection-seat research at Saab in the 1940’s

The above version of the “egg-cart” was and is used to demonstrate the reaction when you are “not” buckled!
Nils Bohlin – presented Dorothy with the above model – which is displayed in our National Safety Town Center Museum – so everyone knows the history of this man and his inventions. We are honored!

After their presentation “Children – Learn Safe – Live Safe” at the World Safety Conference – Glenn Hudson Ph.- President WSO – presented Dorothy and Frank Chlad with their WSO official Professional Certification – certificates.
This 4th annual conference was held
September 18-20, 1987 in Anaheim CA.

James Aaron Ph.D, Dorothy Chlad, A.J. Scardino, Lyn Sylvester
The Safety and Health Hall of Fame International – at their – Board of Director’s – meeting on April 12, 1991 at – Central Missouri State Universit in Warrensburg MO. Report of Safety Town and NSTC activities was presented by Dorothy Chlad.

Dr. Robert Marshall – installed and congratulated – Dorothy Chlad – as president of the – American Academy of Safety Educators – at the National Safety Congress held in Orlando FI-1992.
She was the first women president in 26 years.

Frank and Dorothy received the – Qunicy Tuma Veteran of the Year – for Distinguished Service to the Profession.
Martin Marino – President – Veterans of Safety – presented the awards at their conference in Orlando FI – 1992.

Elizabeth Dole – was inducted into – The Safety and Health Hall of Fame International – on October 6,1993 in Chicago, IL at the National Safety Congress.
Her numerous accomplishments included – U.S. Secretary of Transportation, under President Ronald Reagan and past president of the American Red Cross. ( She is the wife of Vice-President Robert Dole).
Frank and Dorothy Chlad are members of SHHOFI and Dorothy served as member of the Board of Directors.

Dr. Henry J. Heimlich – was also inducted into – The Safety and Health Hall of Fame International – on October 6, 1993 in Chicago, IL at the National Safety Congress.
Among his many accomplishments was the development of the – Heimlich Maneuver – which saved many lives. The phrase Heimlich Maneuver was added to the Webster’s Dictionary in 1980.