During her 45 years, from 1963 – 2008, Dorothy Chlad has presented over 2000 workshops, seminars, organizational meetings, instructor training sessions, presentations to education, corporate, civic, media, government agencies, and organizations at local, state, national/international events.
MAY ’93
Seoul, Korea … parents and safety professionals learned a great deal about …
Safety Town … and the importance of early childhood safety education from … Dorothy Chlad … Who gave two presentations to the public and had several meetings with staff members of the … Korean Safety Education Association.
Frank Chlad … presented a technical lecture on chemical information to members of the… Korean Institute of Science and Technology.
Thank you … to … Dr. Young Min Kim… President and his entire staff for all the time and effort spent in making necessary arrangements with the media and all their warm hospitality. A special … THANK YOU … to Mr. Jeremy Yoo … who served as interpreter for the entire week.

Our president presented framed – Certificates of Appreciation – to appropriate members.

Korean Safety Education Association
President, Young Min Kim …. recently visited the United States. While in
this country, Dr. Kim met with our President. He said, “I have seen every safety education program in the world and Safety Town is the best!” In fact, he was so impressed that he wants to establish programs in Korea exactly as they are in this country. Our President and Executive Vice President are going to Korea in April, as guests of the Association, to speak with officials and educators regarding our important life-saving program.
Thank you, Dr. Kim, for … caring and sharing.
This was a special presentation.
Capital Region Safety Council
Affiliated with British Columbia Safety Council
Associate Member, Canada Safety Council
On August 2, 1978
Three Citations were awarded to:
Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA

Citation #1 to the citizens – presented to Robert McDaniel, President of The South Van Isle Lions Club and founder of Tom Thumb Safety Village.
“Everyone who participated and offered your services in some way, are to be commended for having the foresight to make this vitally important safety education program available to the children of your community.
Special commendations to the South Van Isle Lion’s Club – the Region Safety Council – Cliff Green for serving as program “sparkplugs”. If, through your efforts only one child is spared from injury or death, then the many hours you have devoted will indeed be worthwhile and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you you have helped make the lives of your children safer.
Parents, you are to be commended for enrolling your children in this special program. You have shown that your care enough today – to make your children safer tomorrow. There is no greater reward”.
Citation #2 to the Capital Region Safety Council – presented to A.G. Ford, President.
“As a result of your initial interest and concern in the prevention of accidents, Safety Village became a reality”
Citation #3 was a special Certificate of Appreciation to the Safety Council for being the first program in Canada to receive this award. (The Safety Council recognized – Bill Cosby – for his dedication to making this a better and safer world for our children.)
All certificates were signed by Bill Cosby, Honorary Chairman and Dorothy Chlad, Founder and President NSTC.

The DETROIT EDISON FOUNDATION donated $10,000 to National Safety Town Center which was then distributed to 10 area Safety Town programs.
Allen Park, Brighton, Chelsea, Clawson, Clinton, Ypsilanti, Lincoln Park, Melvindle, Northville and Rochester Hills received $1.000.
Members of the Foundation received a beautiful plaque from National Safety Town Center. Dorothy Chlad expressed appreciation for their support.
Plaques were also presented to Detroit Edison and WINIC-FM for sponsoring and conducting weekend ‘mini’ Safety Town programs at area shopping malls … Oakland, Southland, Macomb, Tel-Twelve and Meadowbrook. THANK YOU … Molly A. Lumpert Coy, Karla Hall, Carol B. Moore, and Julie Boomer … for caring and sharing.


This special moment came about after two years of telephone conversations and meeting between Mike Lynch, Monroeville, PA. and Dorothy Chlad. Mike’s first child attended Safety Town in South Euclid, OH in 1969. When the family moved later that year, no one in Monroeville ever heard of Safety Town. Mike was our…spark-plug… and arranged an organizational meeting for Frank and Dorothy Chlad. The 50 people attending overwhelmingly approved the program. The Jaycees sponsored Safety Town and held opening day on July 12, 1971. Dorothy Chlad congratulated Police Chief George Gregowich, Jr., Mayor John J. Duncan and Superintendent Joseph Shafley.

Jan Martinez, whose daughter attended Bedford, OH Safety Town in 1969 moved to Dallas, TX in 1970. Like Mike, no one had heard of Safety Town. Unlike Mike, Jan encountered numerous setbacks. However, several long distance phone calls, much correspondence with Dorothy Chlad and Jan’s determination Safety Town became a reality on July 19, 1971. Congratulations to Police Chief, Don Steele and Community Relations Director, David Jones; and of course Jan for her perseverance were extended by Dorothy Chlad.

In 1972, Rita Dufala moved to Davie, FL. Like Jan…Rita’s daughter attended Bedford, OH Safety Town in 1964. Like Mike and Jan no one in Davie had heard of the program. Over 70 people attended Dorothy Chlad’s organizational meeting and 3 months later, Safety Town held it’s opening day. A Rotarian… presented Dorothy Chlad with a gift upon completion of her presentation sponsored by the Rotary club. Later the Optimist club sponsored the program.

Coral Springs, FL Chamber of Commerce… members and guests enjoyed a breakfast and Safety Town presentation. Over 200… people heard Dorothy Chlad’s comments about ST and NSIC.
Safety Town became a reality in 1987 … under the sponsorship of the Coral Springs … Kiwanians. NSTC Is grateful to … Irene Butcher .. for serving as our “spark-plug” to “ignite” the community.