Special Note:
Additional accomplishments from 1988 through 2022 are available on request.
Corporations, organizations and foundations needed detailed information. Since the Safety Town program operated during the summer months, they questioned what activities transpired the additional months. Therefore, ALL meetings, phone calls, copies of bi-monthly reports, correspondence and activities had to be documented.
- conducted numerous meetings with school, city and organizational officials from Bedford Heights, Oakwood, Walton Hills plus Police and Fire Chiefs from each community.
- meeting with Rotary Club members for $ 100.00 to purchase traffic light… Thank you.
- prepared planning schedule for each community regarding police and fire personnel.
- contacted business personnel for lumber, cars, paint and materials.
- organized, directed, instructed … a traffic Safety Town based on original program. (continued as director, instructor through 1973)
- prepared organizational, registration, curriculum and publicity procedures.
- began research on … child development as relates to safety capabilities.
- introduced … the first comprehensive Safety Town in Bedford, Ohio.
- authored manual … How to organize and conduct a Safety Town.
- developed real life teaching techniques for individual involvement.
- arranged the first Safety Town presentation for Chagrin Falls, Ohio Jaycees
- presented the first Safety Town radio program on the Alice Weston Show.
- introduced 15-minute daily parent/child session prior to dismissal.
- prepared parent questionnaire for graduation day as to program’s effectiveness.
- promoted the importance of preschool-early childhood safety education and organized Safety Town in neighboring communities … this led to a crusade on a state, national, international basis.
- arranged the first Safety Town television program in Bedford, Ohio (received 30 requests)
- began visitations of local Greater Cleveland programs and assisted personnel.
- designed visual aids and classroom activities (firefighter hat, puppets, flannel boards, poems)
- prepared letters to corporate, organizations, media officials.
- organized and chaired the Greater Cleveland Safety Town Council. (operated until National Safety Town Center was formed in 1976)
- attended the first National Safety Congress in Chicago, Illinois. (presented a 15 minute, 16 mm film of Bedford Safety Town, the first national presentation)
- began compiling information (for 2 years) requested by The Cleveland Automobile Club regarding effectiveness of Safety Town (their response was negative based on the original program 1937 – 1964)
- installed seat belts in Safety Town cars, required.
- initial meeting with American Driver Traffic Safety Education Association officials.
- expanded the Safety Town Council to include entire state of Ohio.
- presented Safety Town at state PTA and Jaycee conventions, Columbus, Ohio.
- prepared and disseminated packet for national PTA meeting.
- arranged full page newspaper publicity on Bedford teenage volunteers.
- finalized curriculum, three years of research … New concept of Safety Town. ( worked with pediatricians, child psychologists, safety and education personnel.)
- participant at … National Association of Countries … Washington D.C.
- Instituted and conducted the … first 8 hour seminar dedicated solely to preschool-early childhood safety education … attracted over 150 personnel from various states … this led to yearly workshops and seminars.on a state, national, international basis.
- prepared letter to national franchise corporation (McDonald’s, Wendy’s) for local approval and involvement.
- prepared detailed information for government and foundation proposals.
- contacted Congressman Bill Minshall, Ohio, for program support and need for national office.
- responded to Helen M. Tullis … Maryland State Department of Education … regarding evaluation and effectiveness of … New Concept of Safety Town.
- invited participants to … National Assembly of Local Leaders … Washington D.C. (1 of 2 women, 71 men)
- prepared letter to … First Lady Patricia Nixon … regarding positive work of volunteer teenagers … she graciously responded by letter highly commending their involvement.
- presented … The New Concept of Safety Town … at the School and College Division of the Elementary Section of the National Safety Congress, Chicago, IL … titled ” A Second Look at Safety Town” after two years of deliberation by the School and College Division. (160 attended, well received)
- completed, after years of preparation, The Red Book, including blueprints, teachers plans, newspaper articles, etc.
- meeting with Dr. Paul Blasdell regarding … The New Concept of Safety Town. (“Don’t wait 20 years for research to tell you what you already know from your research and experience”)
- began preparing information for copyright of … Safety Town.
- increased presentation and visitations due to requests.
- meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, FL was applauded by three officials of the Florida Department of Education who approved …The New Concept of Safety Town.
- elected member of the Greater Cleveland Safety Council Board of Controls.
- contacted Cleveland Corporations and business for support.
- presented positive results to Cleveland Automobile Club regarding … The New Concept of Safety Town.(based on 20 programs organized from 1968-1970 within Cleveland area.)
- appointed liaison for Ohio Department of Education to the National Safety Council for The White House meeting.
- prepared articles for state and national media explaining need for preschool-early childhood safety education.
- received response from Congressman Bill Minshall, Ohio … cannot support at a national level, contact state.
- compiled proposal for Department of Education, Ohio for establishment of resource center.
- meetings with Dr. Leroy Dunn, Washington D.C. … National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regarding philosophy behind … The New Concept of Safety Town.
- request from Dean Childs, AAA, to provide information to California AAA clubs.
- attended 3-day seminar … Early Childhood Education Workshop … Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (no safety included – after meeting with director – presented 2-hour safety session on last day.)
- member of Ohio Department of Highway Safety to promote Safety Town and related highway safety issues(Director Pete O’Grady heard the presentation at a Washington D.C. meeting.)
- obtained, courtesy of … Wayne Corporation …Richmond IN and PR firm … Penn-Hamaker … the first national /international publicity, a 4-page color article / pictures which appeared in 3 magazines … National Schools, American School Board Journal, Future (U.S. Jaycee) over 3,000 requests were received.
- designed … Color Me Safe … color book for preschool-early childhood children, disseminated throughout the state by the Ohio Department of Highway Safety.
- continued receiving encouragement and support from American Driver Traffic Safety Education Association, members through Dr. William Cushman.
- developed Safety Town promotional pamphlet.
- finalized 6 guide books … organizational, teen instructor, curriculum,parent, general information, teen training …over 300 pages, containing detailed information.
- participated at American Association of Motor Vehicles and Governor’s Traffic Safety Conference.
- responded to Dean Childs, AAA, to notify local, state affiliates of New Concept of Safety Town.
- numerous meetings with … Highway Safety Foundation and Ohio Department of Highway Safety … to sponsor a national resource center with office at 1133 Avenue of the America in New York City … contract signed to be effective July 4, 1974.
- meeting with Theatre Authorities(New York) Executive Director, Beverly Roberts for a national telethon (board approved based on inclusion of Safety Town in telethon)
- attended other telethons in New York to learn and observe – and interviewed by magazine reporters
- prepared 20 hour script for telethon, appropriate times for Safety Town segments, Sammy Davis Jr. to host (unfortunately, telethon canceled due political and business reasons of Highway Safety Foundation)
- officially established … National Safety Town Center … as a non-profit, tax exempt, public supported organization.
- meeting on legal organizational procedures and development of required materials.(adopted … Your Friend, Clancy … as our logo)
- meeting with Goodyear official in Akron, Ohio and National Safety Council in Chicago, IL.
- the 1973 Wayne Corporation ad included a response card for the guide books, free of charge (since the Highway Safety Foundation dissolved, Chlad’s had to pay for 2,000 sets of books)
- meeting with … Prudential … Newark, N.J. resulted in obtaining initial grant for organizational requirements and provided in-house services. (a hand made flip chart proved successful)
- Westfield Companies (Ohio) graciously agreed to print our coloring book (free) to each child attending in Ohio. (Thank you Arthur Dannecker, Jr. VP Public Relations)
- moved into offices in the Terminal Tower Building, 30 th floor, downtown Cleveland, Ohio. (previously, majority of the work done in the Chlad home, including typing letters, proposals, phone calls, etc.)
- meeting with Herbert Morse … Bicycle Institute of America regarding bicycle material for 5-year old children. (they did not believe 5-year olds rode bicycles, needed documentation … 2,000 questionnaires (4 pages) were sentto 50 Safety Town parents regarding bicycle usages.)
- finalized and distributed a 103 slide presentation, cassette tape to volunteer state directors.
- first newsletter, 2 pages, containing educational information, director activities, etc. distributed to directors.
- officially, established National Safety Town Center as the parent organization.
- received initial $ 10,000 grant and in-house services from Prudential.
- pictures and articles appeared in UPI, Journal of American Insurance, Women’s Day Magazine, Youth Magazine, Bicycle Institute of America, numerous state education and safety publications and local newspapers.
- over 125 Safety Towns operated in the United States and 4 other countries.
Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- created … First Annual National Safety Town Week … 4 governors and many mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- organized and conducted state workshops in Ohio, New Jersey, Illinois (8-hours each)
- received in-house assistance, art work and printing of 4,000 advertising brochures from Prudential and planned future projects.
- compiled a 10-year report (1964-1974) required by Veterans of Safety organization regarding copyrights, activities … of the National Safety Town Center.
- meeting with officials at … American Seat Belt Council to present letters and comments regarding effectiveness of increase parent/child use of seat belts as a result of Safety Town.
- requested to make presentation, by National Highway Traffic Safety Association, Washington D.C. at a town meeting in Brooklyn, Ohio on seat belts and Safety Town … Joan Claybrook hosted the event along with Congresswoman Mary Rose Oakar.
- meetings with Dr. Seymour Charles … president of Physicians for Automotive Safety, Washington D.C.
- presentations at national conferences of Veteran of Foreign Wars, Chicago, IL Lew Rausch and the American Association of Motor Vehicles, Columbus, Ohio, Pete O’Grady.
- Westfield Companies (Ohio) will continue to print our coloring books for Ohio.
- legally responded to three men attempted to sell Safety Town to Wayne, N.J. for $ 12,000.
- hired … Jacqueline Hrdlicka … as part-time secretary, 2 days per week @ $ 2.00 per hour (recruited by guidance counselor of Solon High School) Jacqueline continued for over 12 years with increased wages and promotions and was a major factor in the success of National Safety Town Center.
- over 200 Safety Town operated in the United States and 5 other countries.
- Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- meeting in Washington D.C. with … Health, Education and Welfare officials to include Safety Town in their agency … were told they must “justify their positions” and it would take up to 20 years for required “need for safety education” “research and prepare material” “conduct pilot programs” “evaluate pre and post testing”each phase would require 3-4 years.
- obtained entertainer … Bill Cosby … as Honorary Chairman of National Safety Town Center.
- organized and conducted 3-day seminar (Ohio) for 20 state directors, courtesy of Prudential.
- participated at White House meeting on highway safety, 180 attended from private sector,government agencies and organizations (Dorothy was 1 of only 5 women invited).
- meeting in Washington D.C. with president, Dick Peet, Citizens for Highway Safety.
- Second Annual National Safety Town Week, 20 governors and many mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- organized and conducted 9 workshops (8 hours each) 4 in Ohio, Illinois, New Jersey, Iowa, Missouri, and Michigan
- Westfield Companies (Ohio) agreed to print our coloring books for Ohio.
- a case study by PR News was done on a local Safety Town in New Jersey, published in many countries
- received in-house assistance, art work and printing for 1000 Safety Town games; a $ 4,500 grant for slide presentation from Prudential, for state and local directors.
- over 300 Safety Town operated in the United States and 7 other countries.
Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- developed slide presentation, Safety Town Community involvement pamphlet, 3 Bill Cosby certificates
- prepared follow-up letter for 180 attendees of White House meeting.
- photo session with Bill Cosby for pamphlet and promotional materials.a case study on NSTC was done by PR News, a highly respected international publication.
- hired Luce Press Clipping Service which sent NSTC weekly newspaper Safety Town articles.
- West Virginia became the fifth Jaycee state to adopt Safety Town as a state project (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio led the way).
- became member of Better Business Bureau, Greater Cleveland Growth Association.
- Westfield Companies (Ohio) continues to provide our coloring book for Ohio.
- worked with Dr. Joe Coleman, Department of Secretary of Education, Washington D.C. and various consultants on a proposal for National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to provide 402 funds for local communities
- conducted 20 workshops in 13 states.
- Third Annual National Safety Town Week, 22 governors and many mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases (Governor du Pont, Delaware, presented a special citation to Dorothy Chlad) distributed news releases
- pictures/ articles appeared in numerous publications and newspapers, ie.Primary Activities.
- presented Bill Cosby with special Safety Town plaque.
- meeting in Santa Monica with Bill Cosby’s staff.
- received a $10,000 grant from Prudential and their continuing assistance with art, print, promotional endeavors.
- over 400 Safety Towns in United States and 7 other countries.
- Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- presentation at … Michigan Community Education Conference in October and at … National Community Education Conference in December at Las Vegas … thanks to Larry Masteller. (this led to local Community Education Departments supporting/ sponsoring Safety Town)
- invited by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington D.C. to be a presenter at a town meeting in Brooklyn OH by Director, Joan Claybrook.
- requested by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington D.C. to host an official from Costa Rica … Captain Ana Quesada Vahlverde … for three days visiting Safety Towns and attending various meetings.
- presented award to … Victoria British Columbia, Canada … celebrating the graduation of their 30,000th child during their ten year program.
- pictures and articles appeared in McDonald’s national newsletter, Missouri Highway Safety Reporter, Weekly Reader, Ohio Traffic Record and the front page, in color, of the Webster Groves program in the St. Louis Globe Democrat.
- became a member of The International Year of the Child.
- appointed member of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Consumer Products Safety Commission regarding bicycles.
- development of a battery operated, portable traffic light.
- Westfield Companies (Ohio) again agreed to print our coloring books for Ohio.
- served as consultant for the Young Highway Users Program in New York to establish safety curriculum.
- meetings with National Safety Council officials regarding activities.
- finalize slide presentation to be sent to each coordinator (formerly director).
- an 8-day promotional tour included several cities in Oregon, Colorado, South Dakota, New York, Ohio, and Michigan.
- invited participant at the 6th National Safety Education Conference at Central Missouri University to plan curriculum activities for K-12 for school safety programs (This 5-day event occurs every 5 years and includes 400 safety and education leaders and government officials.
- pictures and articles appeared in numerous publications and local newspapers, radio and TV.
- organized and conducted breakfast meeting for Cleveland business leaders.
- conducted 24 workshops in 18 states
- received grant from Prudential and continued assistance for posters and puzzles.
- Fourth Annual National Safety Town Week, 26 governors and many mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- over 450 Safety Towns in United States and 9 other countries.
- Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- received the … Outstanding Career Woman of Achievement Award … presented by the YWCA over 1,000 attended a luncheon at the Cleveland Plaza Hotel, highlighted by the telegram received from Bill Cosby and the General Assembly of the State of Ohio.
- consulted for the children’s television workshop program … Sesame Street. (an 8-hour event for their Research and Development officials, mainly on educational aspects)
- conducted a meeting in the … Capitol Building … for N.E. Ohio Congressional representatives and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration officials.
- presentations at National Association of Governor’s Highway Representatives, Nashville, TN; National Conference on Child Passenger Protection, Washington D.C.; Ohio Community Education Association, Columbus OH; South Dakota Jaycees; American Driver Traffic Safety Education Association, Charlotte, NC; Ohio Safety Congress, Columbus, OH; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI.
- filmed Safety Town in Birmingham, Ml for … PM Magazine … national CBS television
- meetings at Eckrich Corporation, Jack Yaggy, Ft. Wayne IN; National Safety Congress, Vincent Toffany, Chicago, IL; Highway Users Federation, Pete Koltnow, Washington D.C.
- received grant and continued support and assistance from Prudential, plus five-year review meeting with Joe Vecchion and Cole Lewis.
- signed contract with … Children’s Press … in Chicago, IL to write four books on safety with Safety Town logo.
- received a grant from … The George Gund Foundation … Cleveland, OH to develop materials.
- Westfield Companies graciously continued to print our color books.
- Fifth Annual National Safety Town Week, 32 governors and numerous mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- conducted 19 workshops in several states.
- presented plaque to . . .Cuyahoga County Police Chiefs Association … and a Certificate of Appreciation to each of the 70-member chiefs.
- over 510 Safety Towns in the United States and 14 other countries.
- Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- conducted an . .. Evening With Bill Cosby … benefit show … with Jose Feliciano. (a $ 25.00 VIP package included pre show party and show)
- selected participant to … Highway Safety Human Resources Symposium … MSU Lansing, MI.
- sponsored a booth at the … National Association of Governor’s Highway Safety Representatives … conference sent mail gram signed by Bill Cosby to each representative inviting them to attend. (each received an autograph picture of Bill Cosby and inscribed key chain … Safety for Kids is a Great COS).
- conducted an 8-hour workshop sponsored by South Dakota Department of Public Safety and Safety Council.
- Westfield Companies agreed to continue printing our color books.
- presented Safety Town paper at American Driver and Traffic Safety Education conference Columbus, OH; National Child Passenger Safety Seminar, Nashville, TN; National Safety Congress, Chicago, IL; Illinois Parks and Recreation Conference, Chicago, IL
- Sixth Annual National Safety Town Week, 30 governors and several mayor issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- conducted a 3-day promotional/public relations meeting with Frances Shield; Executive Secretary to Bill Cosby.
- attended Ohio Safety Congress, Columbus, OH; Ohio Community Education Association, Columbus, OH; National Jaycee/Jaycette Convention, Cleveland, OH; Sixth International Traffic Records Systems, Dallas, TX, Governors’s Traffic Safety Committee, Columbus, OH; Pedestrian Safety Committee, Chicago, IL; National Education Association Assembly, Chicago, IL; Michigan Child Passenger Safety Conference, East Lansing, Ml.
- meeting with appropriate officials regarding fire, safety regulations for indoor layout . . .TARP.
- received continued assistance and a grant from Prudential.
- finalized details for our Safety Town Game spinners, art work, printing, etc.
- conducted 11 workshops in numerous states.
- over 600 Safety Towns operated in the United States and 18 other countries.
- Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
- wrote four child safety books for Children’s Press.
- presented Safety Town at South Carolina and South Dakota Governor’s Conference on Highway Safety.
- Indiana Governor’s Youth Conference and several state Recreation Conferences.
- served as consultant for Kentucky Department of Education and presented seminar at the Pedestrian/Bicycle Passenger Safety Awareness Regional event.
- coordinated several “mini Safety Town” promotions at Blue Cross/Blue Shield; family safety day at corporations; numerous malls . .. some include Clancy’s Magic Show.
- conducted training workshop for South Dakota … sponsored by Department of Public Safety and Safety Council.
- Seventh Annual National Safety Town Week, 32 governors and numerous mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- organized First Annual National Safety Town Week Breakfast to present certificates to city, corporate and media officials for their support within Greater Cleveland.
- co-Sponsored a promotion with … Wendy’s … in Woodmere, OH, hundreds of Greater Cleveland Safety Town graduates received a 12-ounce frosty and a Safety Town puzzle.
- attended conventions of Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.; Seventh International Forum on Traffic Records Systems, St. Petersburg, FL; pedestrian Safety Committee, Highway Traffic Safety, Educational Resources Committee, National Safety Congress of the National Safety Council, Chicago, IL, National Association of Governor’s Highway Safety Representatives, St. Petersburg, FL; National Conference on Citizen Involvement, Boulder, CO; American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association, Albuquerque, NM; National Organizations for Children, New York, N.Y.
- received a grant, in-house assistance and continuing support from Prudential.
- conducted 9 area workshops across the country.
- Westfield Companies absorbed printing cost of our color books again this year for Ohio and expanded to Michigan and Illinois Safety Town children.
- received a grant in-house assistance and continuing support from Prudential
- over 650 Safety Towns in the United States and 18 other countries.
- NSTC staff 18, increased coordinators to 75 (all volunteers), 1 paid secretary and public relations assistant.
- child safety books arrived on October 5th … exciting day … this is the first series of books ever written for young children on safety (matches, strangers, fire, street).
- conducted the first successful “meet the author” event at Booksellers in Beachwood, OH.
- formed advisory board comprised of corporate and agency national officials, chaired by Bruce Akers, vice president, Ameritrust to evaluate and recommend long range plans.
- formed public relations board to assist in promoting our program and organization.
- formed a junior public relations board of college interns and entry level personnel to develop promotions.
- spent two days in California meeting with members of Bill Cosby’s executive secretary, Julie Philips and public relations agent, David Brokaw.
- organized first annual “Safety for Kids” auction, Cleveland, OH … 110 donations received
- received grants from The George Gund Foundation ($ 10,000 – 2 years) and The Cleveland Foundation ($ 15,000 – 2 years) and The Prudential Foundation ($ 10,000 – 1 year).
- participated in … The Budweiser Cleveland 500 … race held at Burke Lakefront Airport on July 4th preliminary events included Clancy and Jacqueline riding in a Safety Town parade car, a booth at a large festival, attending receptions and setting up a portable Safety Town (TARP) at the race.
- Eight Annual National Safety Town Week, 31 governors and several mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- organized Second Annual National Safety Town Week Breakfast to recognize city, corporate and media officials with certificates for their support … Julie Phillips … was special guest.
- conducted 8 workshops throughout the country.
- attended National Safety Congress; Pedestrian and Educational Resources meetings, Chicago.
- began process of updating and expanding the six guidebooks.
- prepared meetings for first stages re-organizational process of NSTC.
- meeting with Prudential to finalize design, layout and printing of a 10-page catalog and received a grant.
- received a front page article in … The Auxiliary American Optometric Association publication “In Focus” featured the Bismarck Safety Town, N.D.
- Westfield Companies continue to absorb the printing cost of our color books.
- over 680 Safety Towns in the United States and 19 countries.
- NSTC staff 18, increased coordinators to 80 (all volunteers), 1 paid secretary and public relations assistant.
- received … The President’s Volunteer Action Award … for 20 years of dedicated volunteer efforts ….President Ronald Reagan … one of sixty people nationally to received this award … a special event was held at The City Club in Cleveland, Ohio … the highlight was the presentation of a large, beautiful bouquet sent from Bill Cosby with a congratulatory letter.
- conducted a 2-day successful seminar at the Sheraton Hotel, Aurora, OH, for teachers and uniformed personnel and a training session for teenage volunteers at Sea World (Clancy, as a teenage instructor, demonstrated proper teaching technique to Shamu)
- approved by the Management Assistance Program, under the United Way Agency for consultant Dr. John Yarikey.
- participated in the second annual … Budweiser Cleveland 500 … race which included setting up our portable Safety Town (TARP) for the children while the parents enjoyed the race.
- attended conventions of National Lifesavers, Denver CO; All Ohio Congress, Columbus, OH; National Pedestrian, Washington, D.C. and Boulder, CO; Driver Traffic Safety Education Association, Tampa, FL and El Paso, TX National Safety Congress, Chicago, IL.
- meetings in New York with Henry Rusman of J.C. Penny regarding marketing and a dinner meeting with Denny Griswold, President of PR NEWS … who graciously promoted our program and organization through her newsletters.
- conducted second annual “Safety for Kids” auction, Cleveland, OH … 100 donations received.
- Ninth Annual National Safety Town Week, 30 governors and many mayors issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- organized Third Annual National Safety Town Week to present certificates to media, corporation, foundation and organization officials their support … sponsored by … Stouffer’s … Dick Atkinson Director, Public Affairs.
- received permission from … Kemper Insurance … to revise and print their Fire Safety Lessons book.
- designed and assembled 3-panel promotional board to display at conferences.
- organized First Annual “Safety for Kids” celebrity golf tournament at Aurora Country Club … co-chaired by Tom Goosby, former NFL Cleveland Brown and Andy Kraynak, Ferro Corporation … thanks to Tom … Paul Warfield, Dave Robinson, Dick Schafrath and Marion Motley participated in this very successful event.
- Westfield Companies provided printing of our coloring books.
- designed and distributed 5-year bars for registered, accredited and certified programs. (the bars attached to the large wooden plaque presented on opening day)
- continued support and assistance from Prudential and a $ 5,000 grant.
- researched and developed new educational materials, done yearly, and finalized new guidebooks, manuals.
- completed “Let’s Be Careful” safety song cassette tape with realistic sound effects and coloring book.
- prepared six month review for The Cleveland and George Gund Foundations as required for their grants.
- continued re-organizational process of NSTC.
- over 700 Safety Towns operated in the United States and 20 other countries.
- received child safety books (poisons and bicycles) from publisher… and two new books (bus and animals) were finalized for print and (stranger and fire) will be printed in Spanish
- pictures and articles were published in three national publications … National Community Education Association … National Safety Council … Veterans of Safety
- signed a new contract for 6 additional book titles with Children’s Press
- Who’s Who of American Women … selected Dorothy Chlad for inclusion in the 14th edition. This distinguished honor is offered to 2 out of 10,000 women based on achievements proven to be of lasting value to society
- information was sent to Fortune 500 companies for inclusion in their newsletter to inform their employees about our safety education materials and Safety Town
- finalized layout of catalog to be printed by … Prudential
- revised “Let’s Be Careful” book for endorsements from Jerome Paulson, M.D. Pediatrician and Lyn Singer, Ph. D. Pediatric Psychologist at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.
- conducted 3rd annual “Safety for Kids” auction – thanks to donations and volunteers
- presented Safety Town to over 150 attendees at the SE American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Conference in Atlanta GA … Jacqueline Seely and Gail Culkar manned the booth display
- conducted 14th annual 8-hour seminar in Cleveland … an 8-hour training seminar in Little Rock AR … a 4-hour seminar whit Jaycess and The Chamber of Commerce in Greensboro NC regarding expansion of their program
- American Society of Safety Engineers … elected Dorothy and Frank Chlad …. as member of this prestigious organization
- discussed future plans with … Veterans of Safety in Cleveland OH … National and Ohio Community Education Associations in Columbus OH
- Tenth Annual National Safety Town Week, 33 governors, many mayors issued proclamation
- organized Fourth annual Nation Safety Town Week Breakfast to present certificates to media, corporations, foundation, organization officials for their support … received special proclamation from … George Voinocvich … mayor, City of Cleveland.
- sponsored Second Annual “Safety for Kids” celebrity golf tournament at Tanglewood Country Club … thanks to committee members John Popa, Lloyd Jordan, Pat O’Neal, and Tom Goosby for our celebrity players … Ernie Kellermann and Don Cockroft
- attended the 4oth anniversary dinner for … PR News … who honored 40 outstanding PR leaders, worldwide, at the Pierre NY. Denny Griswold … was elegantly honored as Founder/Editor of PR News, the first PR publication, while 500 people applauded. Dorothy Chlad … served as honorary host of the Int’l Committee for this event and met … Edward Bernays … father of public relations–92nd Birthday
- interviewed by Ladies Home Journal for selection of “Fifty American Heroines” one from each state. Dorothy Chlad was runner-up to 91-year old newscaster … Dorothy Fuldheim … who interviewed world leaders, numerous celebrities and appeared on many national television programs with Johnny Carson, Phil Donahue, etc.
- chaired the elementary section and two sessions at the America Driver and Traffic Safety Education conference in Chicago IL
- received … Honor’s award … from children’s Reading Roundtable for the first 6 books that she wrote in 1982-83.
- attended the 72nd Annual Nation Safety Congress in Chicago IL where Dorothy and Frank Chlad updated NSTC activities at sessions, committee and board meetings
- celebrated … Dorothy Chlad’s 20th anniversary … with congratulatory letters, flowers, certificates of recognition, including Senator Lee Fisher, and a telegram and bouquet of flowers.
- selected … Dorothy Chlad … for inclusion in the 4th edition of … Personalities of America … for contributions to pre-school safety education
- presented each graduate 792 from CMHA with a Clancy puzzle form Bruce Akers … Ameritrust
- assisted the Ohio Senate’s Children’s Task Force, Senator Lee Fisher, to conduct in-depth examination of children’s issues
- compiled updated information and pictures for Dorothy Chlad’s booklet titled … Child Development as it relates of safety capabilities
- presented Safety Town to NM Ass’n for the Education of Youth Children Conference
- distributed 20,000 discount coupons ($2.00 off) to programs in Ohio and nearby states NSTC received 25 cents from each ticket redeemed
- submitted to United Way Agency a 3-5 year plan prepared by Dorothy Chlad and Dr. John Yankey, under the Management Assistance Program
- submitted 4 page article and picture written by Dorothy and Frank Chlad to appear in their international publication – Professional – American Society of Safety Engineers
- prepared abstract of Dorothy Chlad’s presentation at the National Pedestrian Conference for inclusion in the conference proceedings
- coordinated with Retired Seniors Volunteer Program for volunteers to assist at NSTC on a weekly basis, preparing bi-monthly reports, assemble hats, and count certificates
- designed ‘child safety’ and ‘safety for kids’ shirts; national ST maps; displays for conferences, meetings, events; battery operated railroad crossing signal, etc.
- conducted NSTC public relations board meeting to discuss fundraising events
- conducted NSTC student public relations meeting to discuss local events and promotions
- distributed 40,000 coloring books, printed courtesy of Westfield Companies
- attended numerous meetings … Chamber of Commerce, corporations and organizations
- participated on radio, television, special events, bookstore promotions
- prepared info for media, bi-monthly reports, coordinators, meetings, activities, volunteers, etc. Sent plaques and 5-year bar to Registered/Accredited/Certified programs
- over 850 Safety Towns operated in the United States and 21 other countries
- NSTC staff 18, coordinators 80 (all volunteers), 1 paid secretary and 1 public relations assistant
- Note: In the past we did not include programs that were conducted at malls, health fairs, corporate safety days, etc. These programs varied form 1-2 days and were called “mini” Safety Town programs.
- featured articles appeared in … Professional Safety of American Society of Safety Engineers … Children Today of U.S. Office of Human Development Services and Department of Health and Human Services … Communication World of Int’l Association of Business Communicators … The Safety Journal of VOS … HCA Journal of The American Hospital Corporation.
- updated TARP with painted green grass, gray sidewalks and red driveways for the kids
- selected … Dorothy Chlad … for inclusion in the 20th edition … Who’s Who of the Midwest … 4th edition of … Personalities of America … 1st edition on Int’l Directory of Distinguished Leadership … 8th edition of … World Who’s Who of Women
- developed the “Let’s Be Careful” slide presentation (40 Brightly colored) with a cassette tape … it was pilot tested at Safety Town, nursery and elementary schools and was well received by the kids. Teachers said “It was a great teaching tool”
- presentations were conducted by … Dorothy Chlad at the following communities: Fort Ritchie MD – organizational session … Allen Park MI – Parent session … Birmingham MI – Parent session … Huntington Woods MI – Parent session … Garfield Heights OH – training session … Geneva OH – Parent session … Jefferson OH – curriculum session … Allentown PA – organizational session … Parkersburg WV – FR & Curriculum session … Wheeling WV – Training session
- distributed 20,000 Sea World coupons to Safety Towns in Ohio and nearby states – NSTC received 25 cents from the $2.00 discount per coupon used
- received bus and animal books (English) plus Matches and Strangers (Spanish)… information was sent to National Puerto Rican Coalition, thanks to our Gail Culkar, who met with, Luis Martinez, Hispanic Liaison. Later, Gail made a presentation to the Cleveland Hispanic Task Force regarding the books and the program.
- celebrated … Int’l Year of the Youth … with Sea World’s – Pete and Penny Penguin on our TARP set-up at Tower City Center, Cleveland OH where 12 volunteers assisted the children in the cars, crossing the street and read child safety books to them
- submitted proof copy of catalog to Prudential – going to printer
- announced that presentations by … Dorothy Chlad … would consist of 4 categories:
Organizational Meeting: step by step procedures – sponsorship, fund-raising/promotion, media coverage, capitalize on strengths, attract “community involvement”
Curriculum Techniques: teaching tools to thinking tools, indirect techniques, improper vs proper methods, child developments as relates to safety capabilities.
Teen Instructor Training: motivation, use child language, set good examples, see the town at child’s level, explain role-playing, learn teaching methods.
Parents Forum: debunk the myths, instruct correctly , wording must be understood at a child’s level of development, positive reinforcement, constant reminders
- attended 2-day conference co-sponsored by … Ohio State Department of Education and Ohio Community Education Ass’n … establishing effective learning communities
- presented Safety Town at … All Ohio Safety congress … at various sessions and focused on ‘Off-The-Job-Safety’ by Dorothy and Frank Chlad
- attended 73rd National Safety Congress (National Safety Council) in New Orleans LA for 4 days of meetings and presentations by Dorothy and Frank Chlad
- attended … Public Relations Society of America … event to hear Edward Bernay speak and in honor of his upcoming 94th birthday. Dorothy Chlad and Gail Culkar, our PR Coordinator, had the pleasure of speaking with him and having a picture taken
- attended 4th Annual Greater Cleveland PRSA event to hear keynote speaker Kerryn King share insights of his friend and mentor … John Hill … of Hill & Knowlton.
- attended … PR NEWS … Gold Key Award Dinner a Pierre Hotell NY. Dorothy Chald talked with James Tolley, VP-PA, and Lee Iacocca, CEO, Chrysler Corp. thanks to Denny Griswold, a member of NSTC Advisory Board. (This meeting was the first step in the development of NSTC being involved in the Muppet Traffic Safety Show.)
- Eleventh Annual National Safety Town Week, 32 governors, many mayors issued proclamation
- organized Fifth Annual National Safety Town Week Breakfast, co-sponsored by …. AmeriTrust … to present certificates to 39 members of the media, corporate and organization officials. Bruce Akers, AmeriTrust and William Bryant, President, Greater Cleveland Growth Ass’n acknowledged the efforts of NSTC … Congressmen Ronald Suster and Mary Rose Oakar presented proclamations and Rob Bosan (Cablevision) honored Dorothy Chlad with a beautiful award.
- membership invitation was extended to Dorothy Chlad by the … International Platform Association … one of the most prestigious and influential organizations- initiated by … Daniel Webster’s first “Lyceum” in 1826, members include: Franklin Roosevelt, Nelson Rockefeller, Victor Borge, and Winston Churchill
- signed contract with … Arrco Playing Card Company … for Dorothy Chlad to create and design four card games to correspond with her child safety books.
- participated in a national safety conference by the Transportation Research Board and National Research Council in Colorado Springs, CO. Dorothy Chlad was among the 80 people invited to attend this 3-day productive event.
- elected to the American Academy of Safety Education – Dorothy Chlad was sponsored by George Logan, Kentucky Board of Education, inducted in New Orleans LA.
- attended meetings: Radio-Television Council – obtaining public service announcements; Community Info Volunteer Action Center – strategies of interviewing volunteers; COSE Roundtable – focused on proven, successful advertising techniques; Take a broadcaster to lunch – broadcaster discussed career opportunities in the media; Town Meeting – Featured … Ted Koppel … ABC Nightline Host
- promoted Safety Town: North Coast Closeup – aired 15 minute interview with Gail Culkar North Coast Alive – aired 30 -minute TV interview with Dorothy Chlad (Viacom Cablevision) 43 AM – Linn Sheldon & Barnaby (children’s TV character) interviewed Dorothy Chlad; WVIZ-TV – public television – during a 3 day fund raising auction – donated books; Family Fair – 2-day event at University Hospital, volunteers manned by volunteers
- expanded Retired Senior Volunteer Program to include Mayfield Heights program
- conducted promotional meetings: Nashville TN – with Bill Anderson Jr. regarding developing various videos (promotional, organizational, curriculum, parent, etc.) Bill’s recording company has been involved in the Nashville area for many years and has been a supporter of Safety Town and our efforts since 1970….Orlando FL -with Ralph G. Kline, PR, – Walt Disney World – regarding continuation of the “Walt Disney Study Prints” (12″x18″ colored posters) which are used in our curriculum – each poster had characters with a safety message … Ft. Lauderdale FL – with Denny Abbott, National Director, Adam Walsh Resource Center regarding missing children
- conducted pilot testing of the first card game (Strangers) among 3 -11 year olds in Greater Cleveland nursery and elementary schools and was an overwhelming success with all the kids – Dorothy Chlad has finalized the next game (Fire) and will complete the remaining games (Poisons and Cars) by February 1986.
- prepared information for national safety week for state coordinators; bi-monthly reports; upcoming event; responded to requests; plaques and 5-year bars to RAC programs.
- over 930 Safety Town programs operated in the United States and other countries.
- NSTC staff 18, coordinators 82 (all volunteers), 1 secretary and 1 PR coordinator paid.
- Note: Includes ‘mini’ Safety Town programs, 1-2 day event, that were conducted at malls, safety and health fairs, corporate safety days, conferences, etc.
- awarded … Honorary Degree – Doctor of Humane Letters … to … Dorothy Chlad on May 18, 1896 from … Cedar Crest College. “I am most honored to receive this prestigious award and express my sincere appreciation to everyone who supported my efforts” stated Dorothy.
- commissioned by … World Safety Organization … as Certified Safety Educators. Both Dorothy and Frank Chlad were selected for their accomplishments in their respective fields.
- attended – American Association of University Women – conference in Chicago, IL. Carrie Svigel, Madison, OH Safety Town, introduced fellow colleague to our program and organization.
- Twelfth Annual National Safety Town Week, 31 governors and numerous state and local officials participated and issued proclamations and distributed news releases
- organized Sixth Annual National Safety Town Week Breakfast co-sponsored by Stouffer Corporation … to present certificates to media, corporate, organization representatives for their support during the past year. Richard Atkinson welcomed the attendees and Dorothy Chlad gave a yearly report. Thank you … Richard Atkinson and Stouffer’s.
- presentation of a beautiful walnut plaque was presented to … Jacqueline Seely … NSTC Director of Program Development “in appreciation for ten years of devoted and unselfish service”. Dorothy Chlad stated “she is a major factor in the success of NSTC and I am very fortunate to have her. There is nothing that she has not done, from packing orders to working with top officials. She is a GEM! Looking forward to the next 10 years”
- attended – American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Association 4-day conference in St. Paul, MN where attendees were updated on NSTC activities by Dorothy Chlad.
- sponsored the Third Annual “Safety for Kids” celebrity golf tournament at Tanglewood Country Club. Football celebrities – Marion Motley – Dave Robinson – Tom Goosby – Ernie Kellerman participated. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Northeast Ohio provided a 1986 Ford Mustang Convertible for a “hole in one” … unfortunately no one could claim the car. Everyone enjoyed the day, thanks to committee members, NSTC volunteers and Tom Goosby.
- conducted – Safety for Kids – color contest in celebration of Bill Cosby’s 10th anniversary as Honorary Chairman of NSTC. Willard Scott of the TODAY SHOW (NBC) drew the grand prize winner on air September 16th … Mickey Miller … of Cleveland (West Park) OH. Mickey sat on Bill’s lap, explained his picture, during the taping of The Cosby Show in New York. The entire family saw the rehearsal and show. The segment was aired on the national TV show … PM Magazine.
- arranged a press conference on September 25th for … Mickey Miller … to receive a “Mickey Miller Day” proclamation presented by Mayor George Voinovich. Mickey then drew 9 additional (national) winners who received a set (10) hardbound child safety books and a sweatshirt. Our sincere … THANK YOU … to the many people involved with this exciting event!
- coordinated with … The International Council of Shopping Centers … various events with their affiliated malls. Our mini-Safety Town and booth display were set-up at several malls, thanks to Jacqueline Seely, Gail Culkar and our volunteers … Agnes Kohn, Helene Enger, and Officer Patrick Sullivan
- featured articles appeared in Pro Bike News of the … Bicycle Federation … regarding Dorothy Chlad’s Book … “Bicycles Are Fun To Ride”. Thank you Katie Moran, Executive Director.
- submitted manuscript for book #11 – Playing On The Playground – for spring release.
- participated in – Hands Across America – and urged all local programs to be involved within their community to support this event and help less fortunate families.
- distributed 25,000 discounted Sea World coupons to programs in OH, MI, PA. NSTC received $0.25 from each coupon used. Thank you, Patti Frost, for your continuing support!
- attended All Ohio Safety & Health Congress, Columbus, OH. During a 2-day event, Dorothy Chlad chaired the Off-The-Job session and Frank Chlad chaired the Campus Health and Safety Session. Both presented Safety Town at various other sessions.
- participated at 74th Annual National Safety Congress (National Safety Council) in Chicago, IL during a 4-day event. Dorothy and Frank Chlad discussed Safety Town at meetings with the Veterans of Safety; Alliance of Traffic Safety; Educational Resource School and College and numerous other meetings.
- provided information to members of – MI Child Study Association – in Battle Creek, MI. Dorothy and Frank Chlad and Debbie Monstrola (Brighton MI ST) answered questions.
- designed four card games for Arrco Playing Card Company based on Dorothy Chlad’s child safety books – fire, poisons, cars, strangers – which will feature ‘parent tips’
- served as a consultant to the … Industrial Accident Prevention Association in North Bay, Canada. Safety Town was presented to Mayor Stan Lawlor – Vic Fedeli, President, Chamber of Commerce – Simon Brisbois, Supt of Schools and officials at a dinner meeting. Next day, Dorothy Chlad taped a 20-minute television segment on MC-TV. A luncheon meeting followed with 40 members of the North Bay Safe Community Project. Thank you – Frank Riley – IAPA member for all arrangements and hospitality.
- presented Safety Town to – Chris Rice, Director-Program Development of the … Kiwanis International. Dorothy and Frank Chlad were delighted to learn Safety Town was ‘adopted’ as one of their Major Emphasis Programs for 1986-87. Thank you – Kiwanians.
- mailed new catalogs to program personnel. Thanks to … Cole Lewis, VP-Community Affairs … Prudential … and staff members for finalizing and printing.
- publicized program and organization in the February issue of – The Florida Chief – thanks to Mary Downing, editor and the communities which expressed interest.
- presentations (2-hour seminars) were conducted by … Dorothy Chlad: Barrington, IL – organizational and teen training, thank you Pat Neibor … Walled Lake, MI – organizational, thanks to Denise Ouellette … Midland Park, NJ – teen training, thank you, Gail Wisneski … Akron, OH – parent session, thank you, Elaine Marcius. (“Best interaction that I have seen between Headstart parents and a presenter in a very long time” stated Elaine) … Nordonia, OH – curriculum and re-organizational, thanks to Kim Luczywo and Charles Sterling … Warren, OH – organizational, thank you Joann Thomas … New Kensington, PA – organizational, thanks to Jennifer Salatka and Janet Casper.
- invited to … Colorado Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders. Dorothy Chlad expressed her appreciation to members for adopting Safety Town as a statewide project for 1986! Special thanks to … Cordell Smith, Director and Larry Karsten, Deputy Director of Colorado Highway Safety Department and Diane Emrick, Sr. Specialist.
- participated in 10 and 30 second PSA tapes for National Kids Safety Week with … Cleveland Browns … Gregg Pruitt and Tom Cousineau and Little People’s University. Thanks to everyone involved and to Dale Gaydos … who produced the segments.
- distributed 5 and 10 bars to registered, accredited and certified programs.
- attended PR conference at Ball State University in Muncie, IN and introduced Safety Town to many attendees. Edward Bernays – was luncheon speaker – Denny Griswold was the distinguished lecturer. Dorothy and Frank Chlad enjoyed their conversations after the event.
- updated Organizational and Curriculum manuals were completed by Dorothy Chlad after many years of researching and compiling latest information relative to each manual.
- presented an 8-hour seminar on – curriculum techniques – to Headstart teachers in Akron, OH.
- participated in Square to Square Celebration – in conjunction with – Tower City Center where more than 200 children enjoyed the Sea World characters and learn safety rules thru the “mini Safety Town” program.
- participated at Family Fair ’86 – sponsored by – McDonald House; WJKW-TV; Childbirth Education Association of Cleveland to inform public of health, products and available services.
- participated in Civic Forum – 30-minute show on WAKR-TV 23 – Akron, OH, to provide parents information regarding strangers and missing children.
- prepared and disseminated information regarding activities; special events; bi-monthly newsletters; response to inquires; media news releases; volunteers; publicity articles.
- attended meetings at – Cleveland West Rotary; Solon & Aurora Chamber of Commerce; Council of Smaller Enterprises; Radio & Television Council; Child Passenger Safety; Legislative Session. Gail Culkar (NSTC-PR) and Dorothy Chlad updated attendees on our activities.
- Special Note: For 3 years, NSTC was fortunate to have the services of … Gail Culkar … who served as Public Relations Coordinator. We are saddened that she is leaving but happy for her to pursue her career in writing and researching. Her friendly personality, wit and smile will be greatly missed. Best Wishes.
- over 1,000 programs internationally – including ‘mini’ programs at malls, health events, etc.
- NSTC staff 16, coordinators 80, all volunteers, 1 secretary and 1 PR coordinator paid.
- served as safety education consultant for…Jim Henson’s…Muppet Traffic Safety show. Attended meetings in Washington D.C. and New York. This show will tour shopping malls starting 1988.
- prepared article for TODAY publication of…National Community Education Association…featuring Orange Community Safety Town (OH). Thanks to, Bill DeJong, NCEA Executive Director and Mary Boo, Director of Communications.
- presented paper “Children-Learn Safe-Live Safe” by Dorothy Chlad at the…World Safety Organization 4th Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. Dorothy and Frank also participated in many sessions. Thank you, Glenn Hudson, Ph. D. President and Zdena Zejckova, Ph. D. Executive Director of WSO.
- awarded the prestigious award…A Tribute of Women…to Dorothy Chlad at the Influence of American Women…event by the Concerned Businessmen of America. Jane and Rob Bosan, nominated our president, thank you.
- celebrated the 25th anniversary of the…American Academy of Safety Education…Frank was inducted as a fellow and Dorothy was elected to a 3-year term of the Executive Committee.
- presented paper “What’s New at Safely Town” at the…American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association…in Spokane, WA. Dorothy Chlad also discussed Safety Town with fellow colleagues. William Cushman, PH. D. – retired as Executive Director and received the keys to a 1987 Ford. “Bill strongly supported our efforts since our first meeting in 1968.
- national-Safety Town-Bill Cosby segment aired on…PM Magazine on February 4th. Which celebrated his 10th anniversary as Honorary Chairman of NSTC. In a letter, he stated “Safety Town has played a large role in making child safety an important issue in today’s society”. He also commended our president for “her numerous accomplishments in this vital field”.
- updated and expanded:
- The “General Response Packet” which included basic information to people not familiar with establishing a “Safety Town in their town.”
- The “Safety Town Packet” which Dorothy Chlad expanded from 6 manuals (300 pages) to 8 manuals (750 pages). Each explains details regarding various aspects…Organizational – 1st Week Curriculum – 2nd Week Curriculum – Instructor Training – Teenage Instructor – Publicity – General Information – Parent Sessions.
- submitted manuscript for book #12…In the Water – On the Water…to be released next year.
- conducted 17th Annual Seminar, at the Holiday Inn Coliseum, Akron, Ohio. Special guest speakers were: Rita Weiss – School Safety Program AAA…and…Janice Sutkus – Educational Resources Division NSC. Dorothy expressed her appreciation for their support through the years and presented them with certificate.
- participated at 75th Annual National Safety Congress (National Safety Council) in Chicago, IL where Frank and Dorothy attended many sessions during the 4-day event. Dorothy chaired the Community Services Section of the Educational Resource Division.
- attended – The Safety and Health Hall of Fame International – first induction ceremony for six inductees held at the – Veterans of Safety – banquet and chaired by – Dr. A.J. Scardino, Jr. and Dr. Robert Marshall. Frank and Dorothy are active members of both organizations.
- discussed future titles for Dorothy’s child safety books, #14-16, with Fran Dyra…V-P Editorial of Children’s Press.
- attended 57th Annual All-Ohio Safety and Health Congress in Cleveland, OH. During the 3-day event, Dorothy Chlad chaired the “Off-The-Job” session. She obtained media personnel Jan Jones (WJKW-TV 8) – Larry Morrow (WQAL-FM Radio) – Curtis Weathers (Cleveland Brown played) to present “How To Deliver Your Safety Message Effectively”. Over 140 attended this entertaining and informative session. It was the largest attendance at the yearly “Off-The-Job” session.
- Dorothy Chlad was presented the “Chairman’s Award” for outstanding effort and achievement by…Lou Gergely…Ass’t Supt of the Ohio Division of Safety/Hygiene.
- presented – 4-hour Organizational Seminar in…Fargo, ND…to over 100 people and conducted a press conference for media personnel. Dorothy Chlad expressed her appreciation to – Jack Westra – and – The Fargo Optimist Club – for sponsoring the program.
- presented – 8-hour Organizational Seminar in…Coral Springs, FL…which included a Chamber of Commerce Breakfast, a meeting with school and business officials, media and public presentations. “Thanks to – Irene Butcher and Korey Meckes – for arranging a very productive day” stated Dorothy Chlad. (The Kiwanis Club sponsored Safety Town.)
- Thirteenth Annual National Safety Town Week…was observed the week of September 20th. News releases and information was sent to Governors and program personnel. Thirty-eight governors and numerous mayors issued proclamations, distributed news releases, and arranged media coverage within their state and communities.
- Seventh Annual National Safety Town Week Breakfast…was cancelled due to several unfortunate situations. The “saga” of the “13th” carried over into our breakfast. Certificates of Appreciation and programs were sent to media, corporate, organization representatives for their support during the past year.
- sponsored Fourth Annual “Safety for Kids” celebrity golf tournament at…Tanglewood County Club. Thanks to all who volunteered and to corporate sponsors – Stouffer’s – Air Products – Ferro – Mars Distributors – J.L. Cotesworth – Burke, Haber, Berick. Special thanks to Andy Kraynak and Tom Goosby for co-chairing the event.
- presented Safety Town to…Leadership Wayne County…Richmond, IN – thanks to Jack Yaggy – who has been a long-time supporter. The Richmond Kiawaiians sponsored Safety Town.
- received donations of cars and houses from – Little Tikes – for our “mini” programs. Jan Hooker…and…donations of desks, chairs and sofas from – Stouffer’s – through the efforts of, Dick Atkinson. Special thanks to…Bruce Akers, Ameritrust…for providing funds for a 22’x22′ TARP.
- participated at various events within Northern Ohio:*Health Fair Expo – was an exciting 2-day family event, which included over 500 children. They enjoyed being “walkers” and “drivers” on our TARP (Ameritrust) and cars (Little Tikes) while learning safety lessons. Event sponsored by Gray Drug, WLTF-FM and WRMR-AM at the IX Center, Cleveland, OH.*Square to Square Celebration – took place on Euclid Avenue from Public Square to Cleveland State University, 30 blocks. NSTC booth display provided information and “Clancy-think safety” stickers. Sponsored by Greater Cleveland Growth Association.*Junior League of Cleveland – held their annual Holiday Festival at the Cleveland Convention Center for 10 days (November 27th – December 6th). Our portable “mini” Safety Town was a favorite activity with the children. Congratulations, Melanie Evers and members.*North Coast Safety Belt Campaign – conducted a Safety Day at the Zoo – sponsored by Greater Cleveland Safety Council and Ohio Department of Highway Safety. All ages enjoyed seeing the animals and receiving safety belt information, including “Clancy-think safety” stickers. Jeane’ Furber, Project Director did a great job!*Back to School – promotion was held at Severance Center Mall, August 20th-22nd. Our booth display provided various safety information. Margie Booker, Miriam Stubbs and Charlotte Bundy manned the booth and gave kids “Clancy-think safety” stickers.*Heights Chamber of Commerce – hosted a Business After Hours at Severance Center Mall on November 18th which all business, organization and community officials to learn about each other. Thank you Gloria and Herb Greenwald.*Quaker Square Mall – provided our portable “mini” Safety Town, September 12th-13th for over 300 children. Each class was 30 minutes which included traffic, stranger, fire, etc. Thank you, Roy Baine, and Quaker Square Merchants Association, AKron Fire Department personnel, students from University of Akron and NSTC Jean Carse and Margie Booker. Everyone was entertained by – Pete and Penny Penguin – from Sea World and our “Clancy” performed a 30 minute magic show on Saturday.
- distributed 30,000…Sea World…coupons to program personnel in nearby states. Each person receives a $2.50 discount at the gate – 25 cents is sent to NSTC. Anyone in any state can obtain coupons by calling NSTC. Thank you, Patti Frost!
- explained “How to establish a Safety Town” to attendees at the – State Crime Prevention Conference in Corvallis, OR. Thank you, Lael Gunter, Crime Prevention Officer.
- received proclamations and best wishes in honor of 13th Annual National Safety Town Week from – Ohio Representative, Ronald J. Suster – U.S. Representatives, Mary Rose Oaker, Dennis Eckart, Ed Feighan and U.S. Senator, Howard Metzbaum.
- presented plaques to – Grant Zalba, Production Manager and Maureen Sweeny, Producer – of TV-8 for promoting our of forts and filming our Bill Cosby/Safety Town segment which aired nationally on PM Magazine Show. Dorothy Chlad expressed her sincere appreciation.
- filmed several segments on – bicycle safety – for WQHS-TV 61 – thanks to Sharon Roman, Public Affairs Director. Dorothy Chlad explained child and adult bicycle information.
- prepared bi-monthly reports; pack supplies for communities; send RAC plaques and bars; plan upcoming events; complete year-end inventory and all necessary details.
- over 1,080 programs internationally – including ‘mini’ programs at malls, events, etc.
- NSTC staff 16, coordinators 78, all volunteers, only 1 secretary and PR coordinator paid.
- attended the preview of the … Muppet Traffic Safety Show … at the … Detroit Auto Show … January 10th. Participated at the … Invitational National Press Conference … on May 20th at a shopping mall in Detroit. Children had the first opportunity to ride a car in the show. Dorothy Chlad thanked … Plymouth Division of Chrysler and everyone who participated in this exciting event, which will tour shopping malls throughout the country for three years. (Pictures are on…National Safety Town Center…website under – Special Events/Muppet Traffic Show)
- participated in the formation of the … National Coalition To Prevent Childhood Injuries … on February 10th in Washington, D.C. On May 12th, Dorothy and Frank Chlad, were invited guests to the reception and national press conference at the … Dirksen Senate Office Building. The ‘kick-off’ celebration was held on May 13th in the Rose Garden at … The White House … where … President Ronald Reagan … addressed members of the Coalition and officially proclaimed May 16-22 as Safe Kids Week.
- attended – Coalition – meeting on September 29th in Washington, D.C. Purpose was to provide overview of the Safe Kids Campaign activities for the first year and plans for second year. Bill Wallace represented NSTC and presented Safety town activities.
- presented paper “Direct Benefits By Involving Parents ‘Indirectly’ With Child Safety” at the … Lifesavers 6 Conference … held in Boston, MA, March 16th-19th. Over 2,500 attendees discussed recent research, developing new materials, media involvement to promote use of safety belts and all aspects of safety. Dorothy Chlad explained “introducing” safety belts used in our Safety Town program and parent involvement.
- represented NSTC at … Alliance for Traffic Safety … semi-annual events held in Washington, D.C. for organizations exchange ideas. Dorothy Chlad attended January and Bill Wallace attended June. Both explained Safety Town and distributed our pamphlets.
- attended … National Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week … ’kick-off’ event in Washington, D.C. “Buckle up, not just for a week, but every week”. Jim Hensen and Kermit the Frog … explained Dorothy Chlad’s involvement, as Safety Education Consultant, for the Muppet Traffic Safety Show. (Picture on…National Safety Town Center…website under – Special Events.
- composed of many organizations … A Nation Public Policy Committee … was formed to lobby Congress and various state administrations on issues as – child passenger safety – all terrain vehicles – pedestrian and bicycle safety. Meetings held in Washington, D.C. and were attended by Dorothy Chlad or Bill Wallace.
- United States Department of Transportation and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration … sponsored hearing Public Dockett #88-11 on child passenger safety in Chicago, IL on July 26th at the Rosemont Hyatt Regency O’Hare. Dorothy Chlad … presented testimony on NSTC during the past 24 years. She recommended that NHTSA allocate funds to NSTC to conduct seminars for teachers and uniformed personnel with emphasis on safety bels. (She personally installed safety belts in Safety Town cars in 1968 and strongly urged other communities to do likewise, plus constantly inform parents to…BUCKLE UP…every time they get into a car and young children in car safety seats.)
- participated at the … National Association of Governor’s Highway Safety Representatives Conference … in Portland, OR, September 7th-11th. Over 400 attendees discussed ideas, programs and examined current issues. (NSTC is a member of the Industry Support Group.) Exhibit was manned by Dorothy Chlad and Bill Wallace, explained Safety Town at various sessions.
- attended the 76th National Safety Congress (National Safety Council) October 17-22 in Orlando. Dorothy Chlad chaired the Community Services Section of the Educational Resources Division and Frank Chlad presented a paper on chemical safety. Both participated in various sessions to give progress report on NSTC activities and growth of Safety Town communities.
- invited to – Jaycee All-State Convention – to present Safety Town and NSTC at the Bond Court hotel in Cleveland, OH. A receptive audience included-Mary Luxeder-Chairman.
- participated at the – All Ohio Safety & Health Congress – April 25-27 in Cleveland, OH. Peggy de la Iglesia and Dorothy Chlad attended numerous sessions regarding Safety Town.
- provided information to … The Republic of South Africa … upon request from, Sarel Smit, Division of Education in Traffic Safety at Potchefstrom University. Thank you, Dr. Willis L. Valett, University of Wisconsin for referring Sarel to us!
- presented seminars:
* Warren, MI – May 21 – 4-hour Curriculum (Child Development/Safety Capabilities)
* Lakewood, OH – May 30 – 4-hour Instructor – thanks to Carol O’Brien and Diane Brady
* Barrington, IL – June 16 – 3-hour Instructor – thanks to Jill Gerbic, Kim Lenczuk and Sue Sulsea
* Darien, IL – July 7 – 3-hour Organizational and 3-hour Instructor – thanks to Cindy and Dave Hagen
* Cleveland, OH – November 6 – 1-hour General – District Office, Ohio Industrial Commission - Fourteenth Annual National Safety Town Week … September 18-24 was very successful. News releases were sent to Governors and program personnel. Forty-one Governors and numerous Mayors issues proclamations and media coverage.
- hosted … Dr. Zedina Zaljickova, CEO…World Safety Organization … who visited various Safety Town communities. She was also luncheon speaker at 10th Annual Chemical Safety Symposium…at the University of Akron. Frank Chlad, coordinated another successful event
- Eighth Annual National Safety Town Week Breakfast … was held on September 19th at Stouffer Tower City Plaza. Corporate, organizations, media personnel and individuals who supported NSTC, during the year, received ‘Certificates of Appreciation’ and were recognized.
- sponsored Fifth Annual “Safety for Kids” celebrity golf tournament…at Tanglewood Country Club on September 13th. Andy Kraynak and Tom Goosby continued to serve as co-chair and organized another successful event! Thanks to all the golfers, volunteers and corporate sponsors. After golf and dinner, Dorothy Chlad gave a brief report of our Safety Town progress. Then, Andy, Tom and Frank Chlad awarded prizes to the golfers. Thank you, everyone!
- participated at various events within Northern Ohio:
* Greater Cleveland Growth Association…annual meeting conducted by President William H. Bryant. Dorothy Chlad was among the 1,500+ attendees and expressed her gratitude to Bill for his belief and support of our efforts since NSTC inception!
* Career Woman of Achievement…alumni dinner held at Lakeside Hospital hosted by James Block M.D. – President and CEO of University Hospitals. Dorothy Chlad was recognized as she was a 1978 recipient of this prestigious YWCA award.
* North Coast Road Safety Belt Campaign held their first meeting March 24th. The “kick off” press conference was held April 20th. The world famous – Singing Angels enthralled the group. Various city and state officials attended along with Dorothy Chlad and Peggy de la Iglesia. Congratulations to – President Tom Washington and Project Director Jeane Furber and entire committee for a very enjoyable evening.
* United Way Volunteer Center … sponsored an 8-hour workshop on April 26th to teach techniques and skills for training volunteers. Peggy de la Iglesia attended.
* New Cleveland Woman Magazine … celebrated its 5th anniversary with…The 1988 “Celebration of the Cleveland Woman: Her Courage and Contribution”. Dorothy Chlad was 1 of the 100 women honored at this special event on April 8th.
* American Academy of Safety Engineers … held a meeting on May 17th. Guest speaker, Dorothy Chlad, urged members to implement child safety programs within their respective corporations, organizations and communities.
* Greater Cleveland Safety Council … celebrated its 70th anniversary with a luncheon on May 18th. Dorothy Chlad, member of the Council Board of Controls, was unable to attend. Peggy de la Iglesia and Bill Wallace represented NSTC.
* Woman of Professional Excellence and Students of Bright Futures … were honored May 6th at the 12th Annual Luncheon, sponsored by YWCA. “It was an inspirational celebration for all who attended” said Dorothy Chlad.
* North Coast Road Safety Campaign … a committee of The Greater Cleveland Safety Council … has conducted several projects and meetings which have successfully informed the public on various safety aspects. William H. Denihan, Director, Ohio Department of Highway Safety congratulated the committee and urged them to continue their efforts. NSTC members attended this meeting and have been actively involved.
* American Society of Safety Engineers … members enjoyed a slide presentation of the early trolley car transportation, a tour of the 70 year old bridge (being renovated) and a closed subway station at their September 14th meeting. Various safety procedures were explained/discussed throughout the event. Dorothy Chlad, Sheryl Jackson, Bill Wallace enjoyed this most informative and nostalgic meeting.
* United Way…sponsored a teleconference, which involved 50 U.S. cities. Purpose was to train volunteer coordinators how to recruit/retain volunteers. Bill Wallace represented NSTC. Ken Kovach, Director of Volunteer Services (CIVAC) moderated.
* Council of Smaller Enterprises (GCGA)…sponsored a marketing seminar to teach techniques used successfully to market ideas and products. NSTC rep was Sheryl Jackson. - distributed Sea World coupons to Safety Town personnel in OH, MI, PA, IN. Each person received a $2.50 discount at the gate – 25 cents of each coupon is sent to NSTC. Anyone in any state can write or call NSTC for discount coupons. Thank you, Patti Frost!
- re-established NSTC Public Relations Board on November 30th. Bruce Akers, VP of PR of Ameritrust will serve as Chairman. The Board’s mission is to: prepare articles for publications and PSA’s for the media; verbally promote NSTC to corporations, organizations, individuals. First priority is to promote NSTC’s 25th anniversary next year!
- Annual Senior Volunteer Outing … usually an event at the Chlad’s home, included their boat ride on Aurora Lake. Due to rain, the boat ride was cancelled … but Agnes Kohn, Lillian Rosenstein, Sarah Eisman, Yoshi Taguchi and Milt Blumfield enjoyed the luncheon. While Dorothy constantly thank volunteers for their time, dedication and tremendous work, this was a special treat!
- conducted “mini” programs and booth displays at various events:
* JCC Mandel Center … sponsored a parent/child event on May 15th. Our Safety Town display was very popular and a topic for safety conversation. Many children were graduates and teens shared their Instructor experiences with Peggy de la Iglesia, who thoroughly enjoyed this event with many former “Safety Towners”.
* Quaker Square Merchants (Akron, OH ) … sponsored a “mini” Safety Town program on May 21-22 for their second year. Over 200 children enjoyed their first ‘driving lesson’ and learn to ‘stop their feet at the curb’. Thank you, NSTC staff and volunteers!
* Christian Center School in Parma, OH … had a Safety Fair on May 26th which included a large Safety Town display of materials. Teachers and K-6 graders gathered information of various aspects of safety. Each class presented a skit on accident prevention. Linda Hudson, coordinated excellent material for a very creative program. Peggy de la Iglesia and Bill Wallace manned the NSTC display and assisted the children.
* 18th Annual Black Expo … was held July 8-9 in Indianapolis at the Convention Center and Hoosier Dome. Dorothy Chlad, Bill Wallace, Jean Carse presented a “mini” TARP program for over 750 kids. Gretchen Kelso, IN Department of Health, and her capable volunteers allowed NSTC to promote the importance of safety education. Thank you!
* Riverchase Village Mall … in Hoover, Alabama held a “mini” TARP program on August 20th for over 250 kids. Thank you, Hoover Police Department; Framer, Marshall & Love; Lisa Austin and Pratt Farmer. Bill Wallace and his son conducted program.
*Discovery Fair sponsored … by Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital was held on August 28th at the Natural History Museum, Cleveland, OH. Over 1,500 kids and parents talked with many safety and health personnel, including Frank and Dorothy Chlad and Bill Wallace and gathered safety pamphlets and items, Thank you, Nancy Eppich. - published an article in … Sesame Street Magazine … about Safety Town program. NSTC received several requests from their national publication. Thank you, Kermit!
- received child safety book #12 … On the Water-In the Water … and Dorothy Chlad is drafting book #13 – about winter safety to be sent to Children’s Press in June.
- Prepared year-end details; collate and bind manuals; finalize and mail bi-monthly reports; respond to requests; prepare and mail Christmas cards; assisted Miriam Stubbs with inventory; unpacked 2 new items – First Aid Guides for parents and Clancy ‘Think Safety stickers’.
- over 1,170 programs internationally – includes “mini” programs at mall, events, etc.
- Our staff was all volunteers except one paid secretary. The volunteers included: 12 staff members, 11 state directors, 2 assistant state directors and 3 district directors.
Events from 1989 – 2024 are being prepared and will be added.